Fette Party - Fun-Rock-Power - 2x 5" CD
- Release: 06.05.2002
- Art:Audio
- Format:2x 5" CD
- Label:Warner Music
Tracklist CD 1
- Alive (P.O.D.) [03:22]
- How You Remind Me (Nickelback) [03:43]
- The Rock Show (blink-182) [02:51]
- (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party) (Beastie Boys) [03:28]
- Bohemian Like You (The Dandy Warhols) [03:31]
- El Capitan (OPM) [03:22]
- Goodbye (Die Happy) [03:22]
- OK [04:18]
- Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus) [04:02]
- I (Love) Lake Tahoe (A) [03:25]
- Bodyrock (Moby) [03:34]
- No Fronts (Dog Eat Dog) [04:35]
- Stop The Rock (Apollo Four Forty) [03:32]
- Take On Me (Emil Bulls) [03:36]
- Can You Feel It (Rock Da House) (N.Y.C.C.) [03:28]
- Bravo Punk (SPN-X) [02:49]
- Video Killed The Radio Star (The Presidents Of The United States Of America) [03:21]
- Every You, Every Me (Placebo) [03:32]
- When It's Over (Sugar Ray) [03:37]
- Gesamt CD 1: [01:07:28]
Tracklist CD 2
- 19-2000 (Gorillaz) [03:28]
- Doubledecker (Liquido) [02:56]
- Praise You (Fatboy Slim) [05:22]
- Wild Thang (Mr. Ed Jumps The Gun) [03:45]
- Ready To Go (Republica) [03:38]
- Shine (Andreas Johnson) [03:44]
- Have A Nice Day (Stereophonics) [03:25]
- Tubthumping (Chumbawamba) [03:57]
- Hedonism (Just Because You Feel Good) (Skunk Anansie) [03:26]
- Crystal (New Order) [04:19]
- Imitation Of Life (R.E.M.) [03:56]
- What It's Like (Everlast) [03:49]
- After Dark (Tito & Tarantula) [03:44]
- Time For Music (Turntablerocker) [03:56]
- Manchmal haben Frauen… [04:12]
- Nie Wieder (Sofaplanet) [03:26]
- Around The World (La, La, La, La, La) (Naked 'round The Block) [03:21]
- Daylight In Your Eyes (Audiosmog Feat. Tobi Schlegl) [03:31]
- Blue (Gallery) [03:30]
- Kein Alkohol (Ist Auch Keine Lösung)! (Die Toten Hosen) [03:49]
- Gesamt CD 2: [01:15:14]
- Gesamt: [02:22:42]
* Coverversion
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